The Next Episode

Most of you are probably wondering why was down for so long with the message, "Hello. This is taken down for maintenance issues" It is because one of the RAs (Resident Assistant for all you suckas that don't know fools) found out about and decided to write everyone up that was featured. Namely, it was The Events of October 19. It was kind of -100 stunner. Especially since one of the RAs enjoys writing people up and brags about it to other RAs and other residents. About 16 people got written up I think. Most didn't want to have anything more to do with my website any longer, so here are the willing with their charges.


The two guys in between me and the police officer got robbed. There is quite a bit of thievery on this campus. Their wallets, watches and laptops got gafted. Some perpetrators cut through the screen and got in the room. Not cool. So the police came, and finger print dusted the room.

They let us take pictures with them because the police are nice. We like the police.


Some education: Student Conduct Codes

2: Illegal use, possession, or distribution of drugs on University-owned or -controlled property. The use or possession of equipment, products, or material that is used or intended for use in manufacturing, growing, using, or distribution of any drug or controlled substance.

7. Destruction, damage, or misuse of University property or the property of any other person or group where such property is located on University-owned or -controlled property, or regardless of location, is in the care, custody, or control of the University.

15. Possession, consumption, or sale of alcoholic beverages by persons under the age of 21 years on University property; furnishing alcoholic beverages to persons under the age of 21 years on University property; consumption of alcoholic beverages in a public place (all areas other than individual residences, private offices, and scheduled private functions); excessive and inappropriate use of alcoholic beverages.

Charges: 10/16/01-Quiet Hours Policy, Sports in the Hall, Student Conduct Code #7, Student Conduct Code #15; 10/19/01- Student Conduct Code #15

Verdict: Guilty

Sanctions: $170 Fine,

Charges: 10/16/01-Quiet Hours Policy, Sports in the Hall, Student Conduct Code #7, Student Conduct Code #15; 10/19/01- Student Conduct Code #15, Student Conduct Code #2

Verdict: Guilty

Sanctions: $170 Fine,, Housing Probation

Charges: 10/16/01-Quiet Hours Policy, Sports in the Hall, Student Conduct Code #7, Student Conduct Code #15; 10/19/01- Student Conduct Code #15

Verdict: Guilty

Sanctions: $170 Fine,

Charges: 10/19/01- Student Conduct Code #15, Student Conduct Code #2

Verdict: Guilty

Sanctions: $170 Fine,, Housing Probation

Charges: 10/19/01- Student Conduct Code #15

Verdict: Guilty

Sanctions: $170 Fine,

Charges: 10/19/01- Student Conduct Code #15

Verdict: Guilty

Sanctions: $20 Fine,

Charges: 10/19/01- Student Conduct Code #15

Verdict: Guilty

Sanctions: $170 Fine,

Charges: 10/19/01- Student Conduct Code #15

Verdict: Guilty

Sanctions: $170 Fine,



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